Georgian Studies program at the University of Oxford (23.10.15) | Georgian Studies post-doctoral program at the University of Oxford (24.01.16) The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Tamar Sanikidze visited the University of Oxford. | |
Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation has new Supervisory Board (17.07.15) | Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation has new Supervisory Board (17.07.15) | |
Science Development Forum (12.03.15) Science development forum: Research Development in Georgia was held on May 12, organized by Elsevier, the Ministry of Science and Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation. The representatives of Elsevier and Director General of the foundation, Dr. Marine Chitashvili, were guests at Channel One morning broadcast | The Foundation and the Institute of Geography joint research program (17.11.14) Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation finances ongoing research of Institute of Geography glaciologists group | |
2015 invertor pupils’ competition "Leonardo da Vinci" winners (18.12.15) On December 18, the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Tamar Sanikidze, and the Director General of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation, Marine Chitashvili, awarded inventor pupils’ competition "Leonardo Da Vinci" winners, the authors of innovative projects | Georgian studies school ( 08.12.15) Georgian Studies seasonal school was open at the Institute of Manuscripts. Georgian and international scientists will read lectures in the field of Georgian Studies for fifteen participants of eleven regional Universities. | |
Success of Georgian students in international Olympiad (06.08.15) On July 25, Georgian Informatics team left for Kazakhstan (Almaty) to participate in 27th International Informatics Olympiad. Four members of the team returned to Georgia on August with bronze medals | Georgian teenagers success in the International Mathematics Olympiad (19.11.15) The youth of Georgia won bronze and silver medals at the International Mathematics Olympiad in Thailand | |
Participation of Rustaveli foundation in 26 May event (26.05.15) | 2014 Inventor Pupils’ Competition “Leonardo Da Vinci” winners (12.06.14) | |
Electronic registration for “Leonardo da Vinci” competition ends on November 3 (27.10.14) The Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Lia Gigauri and the Director General of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation, Marine Chitashvili, informed teachers about the inventor pupils’ competition "Leonardo da Vinci". | “Afternoon with Vano and Kote”, Marine Chitashvili at live telephone broadcast (15.10.14) Guest of the program, the Director General of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation, Marine Chitashvili informed the society about the inventor pupils’ competition "Leonardo da Vinci". | |
2014 competition “Leonardo Da Vinci” has started (08.10.14) |
| 2014 competition “Leonardo Da Vinci” has started (08.10.14) The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation announce 2014 inventor pupils’ competition "Leonardo Da Vinci" |
Georgian students are the winners of International Olympiad (23.07.14) Georgian students’ team were awarded 1 golden and 2 bronze medals at the 26th International Informatics Olympiad (IOI-2014). The winner Georgian team, consisting of 4 students and 2 supervisors, returned to Georgia in the early morning. The International Olympiad was held in Taiwan on July 13-20 of the current year | Presentation of the project: Digitized original historical documents in database (04.04.15) The original historical documents were digitized and a database created at the National Center of Manuscripts. 5 000 historical documents were digitized under the project. A special program was set up, through which it is possible to find historical persons, geographical names and authors referred to the documents. The project is implemented with the financial support of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation | |
Presentation of the project "Georgian Sign Language Dictionary" (28.05.15) | “Leonardo Da Vinci” competition winners went to the USA (11.05.15) | |
Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation finances ongoing research of Institute of Geography glaciologists group (15.11.14) | ||