Calls 2017

18/12/2018 11:02
26/06/2017 17:10

SRNSF announces

The aim of the competition is to encourage Georgian and international researchers for active and productive work and engagement in science and technology, as well as to appreciate their important achievements, encourage and promote research on Georgian studies and Georgia.  The competition includes a single award for a scientist/research group. Award of 2017 competition will be issued in following categories: Best foreign scientist of the year in the field of Georgian studies Best young scientist of the year in the field of Georgian studies. Best scientist in the field of Georgian studies. Best young scientist of 2017 Best scientist of 2017 Best scientific research group of 2017 The documentation presented in violation of the established terms, regulation rules and competition terms will not be considered for competition. For detailed information about the competition rules and terms, see the following documents: The decree of Director general of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation The procedure of conducting competition Georgian / English Application for participation in the competition Georgian / English The applicant's professional biography in Georgian  / English Description of a scientific career of the applicant / prize candidate Georgian / English Instructions of sending the application Georgian / English  FAQ For information related to the competition please refer to the program coordinator- Maka Kajaia, E-mail:, Tel: + (995 32) 2 200 220 (internal 44 09)
22/06/2017 17:10

Call for Mobility grants for researchers

The Shota Rustaveli Georgian National Science Foundation announces grant competition for mobility and international scientific events. The call covers the following three types of mobility support (previously administered by SRGNSF): -Short-term Individual Travel Grant Competition; - Conference Grant Competition; - Seasonal School Grant Competition. The aim of the competition is to enhance local scientific potential, to support the integration and co-operation of Georgian scientists in international scientific area through exchanging information and sharing experiences, through attracting new skills in science and raising the qualification of young scientists. competition also aims to support researchers in publishing scientific works in international peer review journals. Proposals for the mobility and international scientific events grant scheme can be submitted in the following scientific directions: Natural sciences; Engineering and Technology; Medical and Health sciences; Agricultural sciences; Social sciences; Humanities; Georgian Studies. In the framework of the competition, individual (mobility) and institutional (international scientific events) grants are available only through open competition.  An applicant of the mobility grant competition should be a citizen of Georgia and have MA, PhD or an equivalent degree, or has to be a  PhD, MA student or a resident. Leading and co-participating organization (if any) can participate in the competition to organize an international scientific event along with the key personnel of the project. call administration schedule: June 22, 2017 – Call announcement; June 26 - Beginning of E- Registration of the proposals; 28 June 16:00 - Group Consultation №1, the Foundation’s Conference Hall – attendance through preliminary registration Form; 6 July at 16:00 - Group Consultation №2, the Foundation’s Conference Hall - Registration Form; July 18, 16:00 - Group Consultation №3, the Foundation’s Conference Hall - Registration Form; July 19 - Deadline for sending questions through e-mail; July 24, 16:00 – Deadline of E-registration of the proposals; July 26, 16:00 - Deadline for proposal submission  at the SRGNSF chancellery; September 2017 – The announcement of the results of the competition. Individual consultations on the call procedures are not envisaged. The documentation presented in violation of the established terms, regulations and competition’s terms shall not be considered for competition.   For detailed information about the competition’s rules and conditions, please see the following documents: Decree No. 96 / n of June 9 th , 2017 of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia; Decree No. 78 of 22 nd of June of the Director General of the Foundation; Change in the Decree of the Director General Competition Conditions (Annex 1); Budget Classifier - within the scope of international scientific activities (Annex 11); Classification of Scientific directions;. Frequently Asked Questions: Call documents should be submitted  via e-mail - : Project Homepage and Abstract (Annex 2) Applicant's Curriculum Vitae (CV) (Annex 4) Notice of co-financing (if any) (Annex 6) See the list of additional documents in the Article 3 of the call terms, sub-paragraph bb of paragraph 5. After the electronic registration at the Mobility Grant Competition, the application for participation in the competition should be submitted at the SRGNSF chancellery of the Foundation (Annex 9) in accordance with the defined terms. Within the framework of international scientific activities, following documents should be submitted via e-mail: Project coverpage and abstract (Annex 3) Project Proposal (Annex 5) Professional Biographies (CV-s) of the Project Head, Co-head (if any), Key personnel of the project, Basic and Plenary Speaker(s)/ Professor (s) of the Project (Annex 7) Professional Biographies of Foreign Citizens (Key personnel) (Annex 8) Letter of interest for the foreign key and plenary speakers / lecturer (s), or for the ones working outside Georgia, (original and a copy translated by the translation bureau) to participate in the project (Annex12) Professional Biographies (CV-s) of Foreign Citizens (key personnel) (Annex 8) Project Budget and Project Implementation Schedule (Annex 13) Notice of co-financing, (if any) (Annex 6) See the list of additional documents in competition terms (article 4, paragraph 6, sub-paragraph DB).   For further information, please contact the call coordinators: Mr. Tornike Skhirtladze   Mr. Vazha Lomidze          
16/06/2017 10:34

The Foundation Announces Basic Research State Scientific Grants Competition of 2017

The aim of Basic Research State Scientific Grants competition of 2017 is to create new knowledge in various scientific fields. The Call for Proposals is oriented to theoretical and experimental analysis of the developments, facts, theories, models, new ideas and concepts that should facilitate socio-political, economic, public, cultural and technological progress of the country in a long-term perspective. Commercial benefit from the research done under this call is not obligatory. The call for Basic Research facilitates establishment of competitive research environment, approximation of research activities to international standards and internationalization, it facilitates integration of research and higher education, fostering career development of young scientists by means of their involvement in research projects The competition is financed from the state budget of Georgia according to the rules defined by the Resolution No.84 of the Government of Georgia on February 16, 2011 "On the Basic Research State Scientific Grant". To participate in the competition, projects can be presented in scientific directions defined by the classification of scientific directions. Grants can be obtained only through open, public competition. Only institutional grants will be issued within the competition. One or more organizations together with the project's key personnel can register the project and participate in the competition. As the project manager, a person can lead only one project at the same time. This rule applies to the projects presented in this competition, as well as in ongoing projects, which were funded and administered by the Foundation under the following competitions: state scientific grants for fundamental Research, state scientific grants for applied research, competitions of state grants for joint research with the participation of compatriots working abroad (FR, AR, DI). With the status of key personnel one can be involved in not more than 2 projects at the same time. Involves the projects presented in this competition, as well as ongoing projects, which were funded and administered by the Foundation under the following competitions: State Scientific Grants for Fundamental Research, State Scientific Grants for Applied Research, competitions of State Grants for joint research with the participation of compatriots working abroad.   Call Administration Schedule:   June 16, 2017 - Announcement of the competition; June 19, 2017 – Start of the e-registration of Projects; June 23, 16:00 - Group Consultation №1 - Registration Form; June 30, 16:00 - Group Consultation №2 - Registration Form; July 7, 16:00 - Group Consultation №3 - Registration Form; July 14, 16:00 - Complete e-registration of projects (deadline); July 19, 16:00 - Deadline for submitting application for participation in the competition in the chancellery of the foundation;   Individual consultations will not take place! The documentation presented in violation of the established terms, regulation rules and competition terms shall not be considered for competition.   See the detailed information about the competition rules and conditions in the following documents: Resolution # 84 of the Government of Georgia of February 16, 2011; Decree # 74 of the Director General of the Foundation of 16 June 2017; Competition Terms – Attachment (appendix) # 1; Project Manager – Attachment #2, in Georgian and English ; Project proposal - Attachment #3, in Georgian and English ; Professional biographies of the project key personnel (CV) - Appendix 4, in Georgian and English ; The overall budget of the project and justification of the amount requested from the Foundation - Appendix # 5 in Georgian and English ; Project implementation plan – Appendix # 6, in Georgian and English ; Summary of the scientific-research project implemented and completed in the preceding three years by the project manager – Appendix # 8, in Georgian and English ; Information about the leading and participating organizations - Appendix # 9, in Georgian and English ; Letter of consent of foreign scientist - Appendix # 10, in English ; Reference on co-financing - Appendix 11, in Georgian; Classification of scientific directions - Appendix # 12, in Georgian and English ; Budget classifier – Appendix #13, in Georgian; Frequently Asked Questions The registration for the competition has two stages:   Electronic Registration of the Project in the electronic database of the competition - from 19 June 2017 to 14 July 16:00. Registration in the chancellery of the Foundation – Present the applications for participation in the competition at the chancellery of the Foundation –till 16:00 pm July 19, 2017. To obtain further information related to the competition you can contact the program coordinators:   Nino Gachechiladze:- Ketevan Gabitashvili- Tornike Skhirtladze- Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation wishes you best of luck with your project!  

A joint research and educational program by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation and Forschungszentrum Jülich for MA and PhD students

15/06/2017 16:40
The Joint program of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (SRNSF) and Jülich Research Center of Germany ( Forschungszentrum Jülich) aims to extend the cooperation between Georgia and Germany. Under the aforementioned program, Georgian students are given the opportunity to visit world’s leading research center and to carry out their research activities adhering to international standards. The funding from SRNSF and Forschungszentrum Jülich provides  the Georgian MA (max. 3) and PhD students (max. 3) with an opportunity to to conduct the research related with the preparation of diploma / dissertation papers through an internship at Forschungszentrum Jülich. Moreover, the program provides an opportunity for establishing a long-term partnership with other scientific centers of Jülichand Germany or with the scientists from universities in the following research fields: Mathematical Sciences Natural Sciences, Information Technology, Engineering, Life Sciences and Medical Sciences. The program aims to encourage the young generation of researchers and to increase the scientific potential of the country. On the basis of the competition, it will be possible to identify talented young scientists, to facilitate the involvement of MA and PhD students in research projects of Jülich Research Center, as well as to encourage long-term cooperation with the aforementioned institution and with other scientific centers of Germany. Target Group: Graduate or PhD students with active status, from the universities of the consortium of higher education institutions of Georgia (TSU, GTU, ILIAUNI, AGRUNI), also approved by the Forschungszentrum Jülich. Submission of the application and relevant documents, in Georgian and English languages, should be facilitated as follows: For MA students: Annexes 3, 4, 5 and other requested documents completed and attached in PDF format to be sent on the following e-mail address: . Deadline of the submission: 15 th , of September, 2017 17:00; All the documents that were sent electronically and signed must be presented ) at the chancellery of the Foundation including 20 th September, 2017, 17:00 (see the annex 7) For PhD Students: Annexes 3, 4, 6 and other requested documents completed and attached in PDF format must be sent on the following e-mail address: Including 30 th of October, 2017, 17:00; To present printed documents (all the documents sent electronically and signed before) at the chancellery of the Foundation. Deadline: 3 rd of November, 2017 17:00 (see the annex 7)   For further information, please contact the program coordinators: LEPL Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation: Tornike Skhirtladze   Sabine Dues Manager International Affairs Office of the Board of Directors and International Affairs Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH D-52425 Jülich, Germany
15/05/2017 10:46

Joined Call of the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia and the National Research Council (CNR), Italy

The Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia (SRNSFG) and the National Research Council (CNR), Italy are pleased to invite applicants for the joint SRNSFG-CNR research/ mobility call. The competition aims to strengthen collaboration among scientists and scientific centers of Georgia and Italy, to support the mobility and research activities of scientists through funding joint projects. The call is open in two categories: Joined research project (with the duration of two years) Joined Seminars The grant scholarship is administered and equally supported by the two foundations: SRNSFG and CNR. The Georgian scientists are invited to submit their proposal at Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia, while Italian researchers apply at the National Research Council. Applicants are expected to submit the following:   Project proposal in English and in Georgian, printed and signed by the project coordinator, also on CD with the detailed information on budget, goals and objectives, action plan, CVs of the engaged personnel. Certificates which prove qualification and working experience of the Georgian applicants; Deadline of the application: June 30, 14:00 (by Tbilisi Time). Late application will be rejected. The joint call is administered based on the following regulatory documents: Decree of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia; Decree of the General Director at SRNSFG; Eligibility criteria; Template of the joined proposal; Information is also available on CNR’s web page: Joint call coordinators at the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia: Office of International Relations and fundraising   Ms. Mariam Keburia   +995 322 200 220 (extension: 4022)   Mr. Irakli Grdzelishvil +995 322 200 220 (extension: 4406)
10/05/2017 17:11


The Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation announces State Grants for scientific Research of Georgian Material and Spiritual Heritage in Georgia and Abroad. Scientific grant competition "State Grants in scientific Research of Georgian Material and Spiritual Heritage in Georgia and Abroad" will be announced in May 2017. To get acquainted with the provision, see the decree  N129/N  of July 2011 of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia. The competition aims to promote high-level scientific research of historical monuments in Georgia and abroad, cultural heritage, documents and other sources, archival material, ethnographic data, including identification, registration and systematization, recording and systematization, popularization of the Georgian nation's intellectual and substantive heritage research and the attraction of young scientific personnel in this field. Grant recipient: a winner of open, public competition, leading organization for financing, co-participant organization (if any) and key personnel of the project; Financing from the Foundation requested for the project submitted to the competition should not exceed 100,000 GEL per year for research project abroad and 70,000 GEL for a research project on the territory of Georgia. Maximum duration of the project may be 3 years (36 months). Within the announcement of the competition there will be published terms and conditions approved by the Director General of the Foundation, the list of documents that have to be submitted for the competition, the schedule and the registration procedures of the competition. 
05/05/2017 13:00

The foundation opens call for the French National Center for Scientific Research and Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation joint call - international Program for Scientific Cooperation (PICS)

The foundation opens call for the French National Center for Scientific Research and Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation joint call -  international Program for Scientific Cooperation (PICS) Under the call two group of scientists have to send joint application, one of them have to be involved in CNRS or other organization/laboratory associated with it, as for the second group, it must be presented by the scientist who are the   citizens   of other country but are their partners.     The key condition of the call is presenting joint application, prouf of cooperation between Georgian and French scientists which has to have  published one joint publication. Within the project of International Scientific cooperation (CNRS PICS) the foundation will fund a group of Georgian Scientists while the group of French Scientists will be financed by CNRS. The amount of grantee from the foundation must not be more than 10000 Euros equivalent in GEL per year. Grant can be used for the following category of the budget: business trips to partner countries(travel expenses) expenses of seminars and workshshops Other expenses related to research Amount of money required in other expenses must not be more than 50 percent of the whole amount Under the CNRS PICS call preference will be given to the group of scientists who are not older than 45 years short description of the program in English is available here Call conditions in French are given on the following link The length of funded program must not be more than 36 months For the preparation of project proposal, the head of the group of Georgian scientists has to send all the necessary documents to her/his French colleague(in English or in French) in accordance with CNRS form(see this form in English in the appendix 2). Deadline to present online application in CNRS online registration system is 12 June, 2017  French and Georgian heads of the project should present joint applications in CRNS and National Science Foundation of Georgia before 15 th of June 17:00 PM. It has to be presented in pdf format and has to be saved in disk(CDR) see appendix 2.  In the application presented in the Foundation has to be included the description of the activities of Georgian and French partners and the application has to be signed by the both heads of the project.   The joint statement signed by the head of the project and by the head of the administration of host institution has to be presented at the chancellery of the Foundation. Evaluation committee which consists of with the independent experts of the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia make a decision about the size of funding for the winner projects nominated by CNRS. Detailed information about the call conditions are available in the following links The decree of Minister of Ministry of Education and Science in Georgia The decree of Director General of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia Projects application(English) Joint application form  Timeframe of call administration April 2017-announcement of the call May 2017 Opening the call 12/06/2017 -  Deadline of sending the applications in CNRS online registration system.; 15/06/2017 – Deadline of presenting the applications at the chancellery of  Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia.  March 2018-Results will be announced For additional information contact to  Contact person in CNRS Gulnara Le Torrivellec  +33 1 44 96 44 53 Program coordinator at Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia Irakli Grdzelishvili +995 322 200 220 (4406);
19/04/2017 17:11
19/04/2017 13:18